Here are 90 different Dog Training Methods to help you train even the most resistant dog.
#1 Pay attention to what your dog is doing well
Professional dog trainers advise their students to praise and encourage their dogs when they do well. This “positive training” strategy is in contrast to punishment-based training.
Instead of criticising their dogs, trainers propose that owners praise and encourage them with goodies and affection for excellent conduct.
#2 Take the initiative and prevent your dog from misbehaving in the first place
One of the most significant lessons learned by a skilled dog trainer is that good conduct is not just the responsibility of the dog.While the dog is still learning the ropes, the owner must make every effort to prevent the dog from engaging in negative conduct.
If you discover that your dog chews, for example, make sure that everyone in the house puts their shoes behind locked closet doors to avoid temptation.
#3 Don’t say no!
One of the most common mistakes people make while teaching their dogs is telling them no without providing them an explanation. A simple command of NO! will confuse dogs, just as it will children.
Instead, here’s what you should do. Tell your dog no and gently lead him to his own food dish if he is taking the cat’s food. Alternatively, if your dog is chewing on a table leg, tell him NO and give him rawhide or another chewable toy.
Reward your dog with treats, toys, and praise once he begins to use the new habit.
#4 Understand the distinction between boredom and separation anxiety
It’s crucial to figure out whether your dog is acting up when you leave because he’s bored or because he’s suffering from separation anxiety.
Finding out why your dog is behaving badly is usually the most effective way to solve the problem. If boredom appears to be the problem, you can usually deter your dog from wrecking your house during his alone time by giving him a toy packed with treats or something else to do.
If your dog has separation anxiety, you’ll need to learn how to desensitise him to both your absence and your “getting ready to leave” routine.
#5 Take a look at clicker training
In the field of dog training methods, clicker training is a relatively recent technique that involves the owner utilising a specific sound to convey to their dog that a certain activity is acceptable or desired.
The owner will then reward their dog for his or her positive conduct by repeating the “click.” Positive reinforcement will encourage the dog to continue performing well.
#6 Practice patience, perseverance, and consistency
These three tendencies in a dog will grow into similar behaviours in the owner. Patience is accepting that learning new behaviours will take time and a lot of effort and repetition.
When training does not appear to be going well, persistence means that you, as the owner, do not give up. Your dog will know what to anticipate from you if you are consistent. If you always say NO when your dog misbehaves, for example, they will learn to associate NO with disapproval.
If you just give goodies for good conduct, on the other hand, your dog will learn to recognise such positive reinforcement.
#7 Begin early
You should begin teaching your dog as soon as possible after purchasing it. It may take some time to catch up if you get a late start. It’s important to remember that training is sometimes just undoing poor habits and actions.
If your dog is young, he or she hasn’t had time to develop many of these undesirable habits, so training will be simple. When you have an older dog, you must unteach what the dog knows about behaviour and begin to retrain behaviors that you find acceptable.
#8 For greatest results, be courteous and compassionate
An owner who regularly punishes his or her dog for negative conduct will almost certainly be less effective than an owner who is soft and compassionate, praising acceptable actions.Consider lavishing praise on your dog and gently shifting his focus from a bad action to one that you find more acceptable.
#9 Set realistic goals for yourself
If your dog misbehaves at home, you may anticipate him to misbehave at the dog park or in the yard as well. If your dog is having problems listening to your commands, you should keep him on a leash when outside.
Expect your dog to be harsh with other dogs if he leaps on people in the house.Positive training can help to change undesirable habits, but you must understand that poor behaviors will most likely persist regardless of the conditions until your dog has unlearned them.
#10 Always carry out your orders
If you issue commands but don’t follow through, your dog will learn that there’s no need to obey you. If you back up your demands with reinforcement, on the other hand, he’ll immediately realise you’re serious.
If your dog refuses to sit when you urge him to, gently nudge him into the proper position and reward him. As a strategy of enforcing your commands, always praise good behavior.
#11 Follow the rule of ONE command
Give each command to your dog only once. Tell your dog to sit if you want him to sit. If your dog initially refuses to obey the command, gently place him in the sit position and praise him.
Make sure you do this with each command so your dog doesn’t think your commands are optional. If you stick to the ONE command rule, your dog will learn to respect your commands rapidly.
#12 Make your commands clear
If you want your dog to obey your commands, you must first make sure he knows what you want him to do.If you’re attempting to teach him to sit, for example, using the command SIT one time then sit down the next would simply confuse him. If he’s perplexed, he’ll probably just ignore you.
This can become a vicious circle. So, pay attention to the orders you’re giving your dog and avoid confusing him by being inconsistent.
#13 Teach your dog to recognise your tone of voice
The tone you choose is just as crucial as the command itself. As a result, when providing commands, strive to maintain a consistent tone.
A forceful and authoritative tone will be more effective than yelling an order. Choose a tone and stick to it. Your dog will begin to identify that tone and will respond more effectively to what you are saying.
#14 Examine obstinacy
There could be a simple explanation for your dog’s stubbornness and refusal to obey your directions.Look for evidence that you’re delivering orders that your dog understands, that your dog knows what to do when they hear a given command, and that the command is making your dog uncomfortable.
Most likely, you’ll need to repeat training for a single command and use rewards and praise to make your dog feel more at ease.
#15 Never call your dog’s name when you’re angry
You should strive to correct your dog without saying his name so that the name does not become associated with anything negative. Call your dog by name when you praise him so that he responds pleasantly when he is addressed by name.
You might find that simply calling the dog’s name will get him to come running to you in no time.
#16 Make your dog respect you
Your dog will soon lose respect for you if you strike or scream at him. Rather than becoming a caring partner, he will become reserved and scared.
As a result, avoid exercising when you’re upset and avoid negative reinforcement as much as possible. Maintaining a positive attitude will encourage your dog to perform anything you ask of him and aid in the development of a positive bond between you.
#17 Never train in a way that isn’t natural and comfortable for you
Your dog will detect your reluctance as fast as he will sense fear or anxiety if you are utilising a technique that does not come naturally to you. This can lead to your dog disregarding any commands you give him, causing both of you grief.
Before beginning to train your dog, attempt to identify ways that you understand and are comfortable with.
#18 Enroll in an obedience training course
There’s no shame in seeking assistance with your dog’s training. Some people simply lack the patience, expertise, or knowledge necessary to train their dog on their own.Investigate various obedience training classes in your region and attend a few to see if they are a good fit for you.
#19 Consider joining a fitness club
Training clubs are offered by some kennel organisations to its members and the general public. These organisations frequently provide members with access to expert trainers as well as the knowledge of other members.
Some breeds are more difficult to train than others, so having this type of resource on hand could be a huge help in your own training efforts.
#20 Research the breed of your dog
Different dog breeds may respond better to various training approaches. Various sizes of dogs may require different kinds of dog training methods.For example, if you have a little terrier that enjoys jumping, it is less harmful for everyone involved than if you have a 150-pound St. Bernard who enjoys jumping!
You’ll need to focus on various areas with various dog breeds and sizes, and knowing what to expect is half the battle.
#21 During training, imagine yourself as the squad leader
Successful training sessions are not only your responsibility. You will be far more effective in training if you perceive yourself and your dog as a team rather than taking on all the responsibilities.
Because you are the leader, you must be aware of everything that occurs throughout training. However, remember that successful training requires your dog to be a willing participant.
#22 Maintain a calm and comfortable demeanour
Fear, anger, and anxiety will be detected by your dog. As a result, you must remain cool in order to be effective. To keep your dog’s attention, use an authoritative voice and be firm and consistent with your directions.
Any unusual conduct on your part will keep him from keeping concentrated, reducing the effectiveness of your dog training methods.
#23 Maintain consistency
Do not use the command if you are not serious about wanting your dog to execute or halt a specific behaviour. Otherwise, your dog would learn that you only mean what you say half of the time.
This will cause your dog to be perplexed and you to be frustrated. It’s far simpler to only send orders that you intend to carry out.
#24 Recognize and honour your dog’s requirements
When a dog’s basic requirements are not addressed, he will misbehave more frequently, just as it does with people.Make sure you’re giving your pet good food, plenty of water, positive socialising with people and other pets, adequate shelter and safety, and plenty of exercise.
It will be much easier to teach your dog the basics once these demands are addressed.
#25 Keep practising, practising, practising
Isn’t it true that practise makes perfect, as your mother always said? Training your dog is no exception! If you’re going to focus on dog training methods, make sure you practise regularly for 5-10 minutes at a time throughout the day.
Concentrate on one ability at a time until your dog has mastered it, then move on to another. However, to ensure that previously taught tricks and behaviours are not forgotten, return to them on a regular basis.
#26 Gradually expose your dog to diverse scenarios
It’s vital to highlight to your dog that you expect him to act consistently no matter where he is. Socializing with your dog is one of the most effective ways to do this.Introduce him to new people and animals (dogs, cats, etc.) to help him develop social skills.
Take him into unexpected situations whenever possible so that he learns that you are still in command no matter where he is.This will provide you more effective control and will reduce anxiety produced by unknown individuals and environments, which might lead to future misbehavior.
#27 Discover what works
Not every child, and certainly not every dog, learns in the same manner. As a result, you should experiment with various dog training methods until you discover one that you are comfortable with and that works for your dog.
Remember that if a technique isn’t working after a week, you should switch it up.
#28 It’s important to remember that training should be gentle
Your dog will become vicious – and terrified – as a result of harsh training. You don’t want to end up in either of these scenarios, so try to stay cheerful and reinforce excellent behavior with rewards and praise.
If you punish your dog for bad behavior, he will temporarily cease doing it. However, if you substitute a poor behaviour with a rewarding behavior, you have a better chance of getting a well-behaved dog.
#29 For training purposes, use a short leash
Leashes are available in a variety of lengths, with some reaching up to 100 feet or more.When teaching your dog, however, you should always use a leash that is roughly 6 feet long and has a loop that you can slide your hand through and wrap around your fingers to keep the dog from running away.
Keep the leash in front of you with the loop around your right hand when your dog is on your left side. This will assist you in keeping the leash short and under control.
#30 Begin early and keep going
When it comes to training a dog, the best time is when it is a puppy. If you’re training an older dog, though, you should start as soon as possible to ensure that your dog learns to obey you.
It’s also critical to maintain working on your training until your dog understands all of the orders you can provide.Training is a serious commitment that must be taken seriously or you will end up right back where you started.
#31 Become acquainted with your dog’s parents
If at all feasible, spend time with your dog’s parents. This is not always possible, but when it is, there is a lot to be learned.By observing the parents’ actions, you will be able to see patterns and possible problems that should be addressed before they become a problem.
Aggression is a good example of something that could be an issue.If you find that your dog has two aggressive parents, be aware that there is likely a genetic propensity to aggression, and consider expert obedience training.
#32 Invest in a professional
When individuals buy a new dog, they often have the best of intentions, but time and other commitments may make it impossible to fully teach a new dog in even the most fundamental of good conduct.
If you don’t have the time or experience to properly teach your dog, consider hiring a professional dog trainer in your region.
#33 Never leave your dog alone for an extended period of time
It’s critical to never leave your dog alone for long periods of time while he’s in training. Otherwise, you won’t be able to provide the required incentive for good behaviours while diverting the dog’s attention away from bad ones.
This can lead to boredom or worry, both of which can lead to destructive conduct. So, if you’re going to leave your dog alone, put him in an adequate sized crate to keep the training going and secure your home while you’re gone.
#34 Teach your dog that there is no such thing as a free lunch
This intense training is best used after learning basic commands such as sit, down, and leave it.The idea is to reinforce who is in authority in order to prevent your dog from being rebellious. If your dog detects that you have a reward, for example, make him sit before giving it to him.
If he gets excited when it’s time to go for a walk, make him lie down until you attach his leash. Never give in – if your dog doesn’t obey your commands, don’t give him the incentive he craves.By employing this strategy, you will reinforce basic obedience orders while also demonstrating who is in charge.
#35 Discover what it is that makes your dog tick
Finding out what inspires your dog is one of the finest dog training methods to begin teaching him. Treats motivate certain dogs, while more lap time motivates others.You may use what makes your dog happy as motivation for good behaviour and as a reward for a successful training session once you know what makes him happy.
Professional dog trainers utilise this method frequently, and while it may take some effort to figure out what makes your dog tick, it is unquestionably the path to successful training.
#36 Establish early pack organisation
The sooner your dog understands that you, not he, are the pack leader, the better.Set boundaries for your dog from the start by putting him in a kennel during training and always walking him on a leash outside. Tell him you’ll issue the commands and he’ll follow them.
You must create trust with your dog from the start so that he understands that you will not harm him and that he does not need to be afraid of you.
#37 Make use of an invisible barrier
An invisible fence can be used to define the perimeter of your yard or the area where your dog is permitted to roam.When your dog is outside, an invisible fence is a terrific technique to train him to stay on your property because it will deter him every time he approaches the boundary.
The issue is that if your dog escapes, he will be discouraged from returning. If you decide to utilise an invisible fence, keep in mind that other animals and people will not be able to detect its presence.
So make sure your yard is clearly marked to prevent anyone from jumping the fence until you’re convinced your dog won’t attack anyone he perceives as an intruder.
#38 Before you begin training, establish the ground rules
One of the most common problems individuals have with dog training methods is not selecting ahead of time the behaviors they will tolerate.
Some individuals, for example, will let their new puppy to nap on the sofa but later decide that they do not want dog hair on their furniture. They must then retrain their dog to understand that climbing onto the sofa is not permitted.
Make a list of the behaviours that you don’t want to see, and you’ll know where to start. Although it is always possible to reverse a behaviour, it is easier for you and your dog if the rules are established at the outset and not changed in the middle of the game.
#39 Make your dog less sensitive by training him
Many of the same fears that humans have can be found in dogs, and part of your training efforts should focus on teaching your dog how to cope with fear and anxiety.
Thunder is a wonderful example. Many dogs are terrified by a loud noise they can’t find the source of. Purchase a thunder CD and play it in the background when you are at home with your dog if you are able.
When the dog becomes agitated, tell him NO and divert his focus. Until you are convinced that your dog has been desensitised, keep him in a box and keep him contained whenever there are loud noises.
#40 When training, keep your time intervals short
Dogs have short attention spans and become bored easily with the same activity. As a result, for the most efficient training, divide your sessions into 5-10 minute intervals throughout the day.
You can focus on one command for a few minutes before playing with your dog. You can resume with a second command or even focus on leash-training after a little pause for water and a quick nap.
Don’t expect to train your dog in a weekend — you’ll be upset and your dog will be entirely bewildered!
#41 Recognize the significance of timing
Dogs are not the same as kids. If you penalise a dog immediately after a poor act, they are unlikely to establish the link between the punishment and the bad behavior.If you want to fix what your dog did wrong, you must catch him in the act of doing something inappropriate.
#42 First and foremost, define training for yourself
If you want to be a successful dog trainer, you must first understand what training means to you.What are your objectives? Do you want a well-behaved show dog or would you be ok if your dog just learnt to come when called?
There is no definite definition of what training is; it is a personal choice that only you can make.But make the decision before you start so you know what you’re looking for.
#43 Know your nonverbal commands as well as your vocal commands
When you’re training your dog, he’ll pick up on more than just your verbal directions.Some canines will figure out that a hand to the left implies to turn left. Others may presume that if they listen to you because you are grumpy when you urge them to sit, they will be the target of your wrath.
Action and reward are fundamental to training. If you give your dog nonverbal cues and commands, they will almost certainly respond. As a result, throughout training sessions, pay attention to your posture, tone of voice, and attitude.
#44 Only feed your dog at predetermined intervals
A schedule is required for housebreaking. A young puppy must be fed three times a day at the same time, and the food must only be available for 10-20 minutes.Remove the food and take your dog outdoors when the timer goes off.
Mishaps may occur between feedings, and free-feeding will almost always result in accidents. As a result, feeding solely at the times you have set will boost your chances of effective housebreaking and keep your dog healthy.
#45 Remember that plenty of exercise is the key to a well-behaved dog
If you don’t make sure your dog gets enough exercise, you’re letting him down and maybe setting the stage for boredom-related aggressiveness and misbehaviour.When you offer your dog a lot of exercise, he will become exhausted and will need to rest.
If your dog isn’t weary, he’ll become bored and look for methods to pass the time.Unfortunately, gnawing, chasing other animals, or barking and wailing are all possibilities.
#46 Maintain eye contact at all times
If your dog is not focused on your commands, they will not learn effectively. Make sure you have your dog’s attention and that you’re making eye contact during training sessions.Using hand signals instead of spoken commands is a smart approach to keep your dog’s attention on you.
Advice for Housebreaking
#47 Teach your dog to housebreak
Taking a dog outside after each meal is the greatest method to housebreak him. You should wait until your dog has relieved himself outside before playing with him outside so that he understands why he is being taken outside.
If he hasn’t discharged himself after approximately ten minutes, take him inside and put him in his crate for 10 minutes or so, then repeat the process. It shouldn’t take him long to grasp the concept, especially if you have a young dog.
#48 When housebreaking a dog, look for indicators
Dogs’ actions are generally predictable, and simply watching a dog outside before he discharges himself might provide you with useful information that can make housebreaking easier.
For example, if your dog constantly walks in a circle before going outside to relieve himself, it is critical to recognise this behaviour and immediately take the dog outdoors. This will assist you in better understanding your dog’s habits and make housebreaking easier.
#49 When housebreaking a dog, consistency is crucial
There are various things you can do to make the process of housebreaking a dog go more smoothly. To begin, spend as much time as possible outside with your dog so that he learns accustomed to his environment.
Second, immediately take your dog outdoors after he eats or drinks, and attempt to keep him outside until he eliminates. Return inside after rewarding him for his exemplary behavior. If you want your dog to use a certain location in your yard, you’ll need to take him outdoors on a leash until he starts using it on his own.
#50 Housebreaking a dog is made easier with crate training
Most dogs will refuse to pollute their sleeping space unless they have a medical issue that prevents them from doing so.It’s unlikely that you’ll return home to find your dog’s crate soiled if you leave him in it while you sleep or go away.
As a result, unless your dog is out to eat, drink, or play, keep him in the crate when housebreaking him.Take the dog outside to relieve himself right after the designated activity. Before putting your dog back in his box, praise him and express admiration for his accomplishments.
You’ll be able to lengthen the non-crated period and witness fewer mishaps than if you hadn’t used the crate after a while.
The Fundamental Commands
#51 Your dog should be taught to heel
For your dog’s safety, getting him to walk with you is critical. To get the dog to heel, most people use a leash and tug him forwards. Using a reward, on the other hand, is a more successful method.
Hold a reward at hip level on the same side as your dog as you stand next to him. Take three steps while saying “heel” once each. If your dog has noticed the treat, he will most likely obey your command without hesitation.
Each day, repeat for 5-10 minutes, making sure your dog is aware of the treat. Give your dog the treat and lavish praise after each successful training session.
#52 Teach your dog the command “Leave It”.
Because it is a command that can protect your dog’s safety, this is perhaps one of the most important things you will ever teach him.This command should distract the dog from whatever has captured his attention, whether it’s furniture or rotten food on the road.
The easiest approach to educate your dog to leave it is to use it to gain his attention and then divert him with something else.You’ll need to practise this command in various situations until your dog understands that it means to stop whatever he’s doing and look to you for instructions on what to do next.
#53 Getting a dog to approach you
When they yell come and their new puppy stands there staring at them, first-time dog owners are frequently frustrated. Unfortunately, dogs do not naturally understand commands.Saying come whenever you see your dog moving in your direction is a wonderful way to start teaching the come command.
Then lavish praise on him for coming to you in the first place, even if he was doing so regardless of your command.Teaching your dog to come to you in this manner reduces the amount of time you spend training and is extremely rewarding for both you and your dog.
#54 Teach your dog to sit on command
The most common command that people seek to teach their new dog is sit. However, before giving your dog the reward, you might want to get them to come to you first and then teach them how to sit.
Consider placing one hand on the dog’s lower back and the other under his chest instead of merely pushing down on his rear end. Then, while saying “sit,” apply downward pressure to the back and upward pressure to the chest.
For sitting on order, give your dog treats and lots of praise.
#55 Teach your dog to accompany you on walks
Many people tend to feel that walking a dog on a leash with its owner is natural. However, walking a dog necessitates prior training! Your dog must learn to heel or stay at your side.You must also teach him that pulling the leash and attempting to escape away from you is never acceptable.
It is critical to take your dog for a walk so that he can get enough exercise and socialisation.However, unless you take the effort to properly train him initially, you will become frustrated and not enjoy your time together.
#56 Your dog should be taught to lie down
One of the first things a professional dog trainer tries with a dog is the “down” command. Luring a dog to the ground with a reward or piece of food is the most successful means of persuading him into the down position (when the dog is laying on its belly).
Issue the command DOWN while guiding the dog into position. Your dog will be a pro at this easy command after a few practise sessions.
#57 Teach your dog to remain still
Your dog will be ready to learn to stay once he has learned to sit. Place your dog in the sit posture and give him a treat as a reward. Say “stay” while putting your hand in front of the dog’s nose.With your hand still out, begin to back away.
When your dog stays in position, say “excellent,” and then release him to come to you for a treat in a few seconds. Make the time interval between stays longer with each successful repetition until your dog can stay on demand for up to a minute.
As a reward for a job well done, always give snacks and plenty of praise. It’s preferable to train your dog to stay in a peaceful environment, but you should alternate practise at home and in a dog park or other public area to underline that staying means staying no matter what.
#58 Teach your dog how to relax
Younger dogs, in particular, are prone to become easily agitated, even when there is no external stimulation. As a result, you should teach your dog how to “time out.”You can do this by saying place or relax, and your dog should respond by going to the appropriate location and lying down until you call him back.
Catch your dog when he’s tense or wandering about aimlessly to teach this command.Allow him to continue for a few moments while wearing his leash. Then give the command and gently lead him to the chosen spot, where you will rest your foot over the leash to keep him in place while he sleeps.
You may need to hold your position with your foot on the leash for 5 minutes or more at first until he calms down. Do not give up; you may require additional time. Your dog will most likely be more than eager to retreat to his time out spot for a few minutes after a few sessions of practising this approach.
#59 Before entering the house, teach your dog to let you clean his paws
Dogs are unlike us in that dirt or mud on their paws rarely bothers them.They also don’t understand why you don’t want mud streaks all over your new carpeting. To avoid issues, teach your dog to sit near the entrance door on a mat or towel until you say inside.
But, before you give the command, make sure you clean each of his paws of any dirt or mud.
Stopping the Unwanted Behaviors
#60 Use reinforcement to replace bad behaviours with positive ones
If it irritates you that your dog jumps all over visitors every time they come to visit, you should find another manner for your furry buddy to greet visitors.Begin by figuring out what you want your dog to do. Perhaps you’d want he come sit by your side when the guests arrive.
Then work on dog training methods to sit, and when he does, lavish him with praise and treats.You are teaching your dog a new habit to replace the negative behaviour you wish to break by replacing the bad behaviour with one that offers praise and incentives with this strategy.
#61 Interrupt undesirable behaviour and demonstrate how you want your dog to act
One of the best ways to punish undesirable behaviour in your dog is to catch him in the act.Interrupting a harmful action by catching your dog’s attention is a fantastic strategy. Stopping and yelling “stop!” in a low-pitched voice is generally enough to get someone’s attention.
At that time, gently demonstrate to him what you want him to do instead. Don’t forget to praise and treat your dog for good conduct!
#62 Ensure that your dog does not bite when playing
A puppy’s favourite hobby is playing. But they always get too worked up, and someone gets nipped by those pointed puppy teeth every now and then.Biting is obviously something you should avoid doing as soon as possible.
Rather of scolding or putting your dog in timeout for biting, simply stop playing with him and ignore his cries for additional play for 5-10 minutes.Then, resume playing and give him plenty of praise for his efforts. This will assist in breaking the habit of biting before it becomes a problem.
#63 Observe your dog while he is misbehaving
It is pointless to correct a dog after they have done something wrong. Unless you can stop the dog in the middle of his activity, a reprimand is unlikely to have any effect on him.Catch the dog in the act as often as possible and divert his behaviour to one that you favour.
This easy approach will help your dog become well-behaved much more quickly than a series of reprimands for previous misbehavior.
#64 Recognize that even negative attention can perpetuate bad habits
Dogs will frequently misbehave in order to seek your attention. When you give your dog negative attention, you may be “rewarding” him with the attention he craves.Ignoring the negative behaviour and redirecting the dog to something more positive is a preferable option. Then lavish him with compliments to show your appreciation.
#65 Do not allow your dog to chew on your furnishings
Chewing is one of the most common issues that dog owners face. Although puppies chew more frequently than senior dogs, the consequences on furniture are generally similar.To stop a dog from chewing, catch him doing it and redirect his interest to a dog toy or other thing you don’t mind him chewing.
Reward him with a treat and lots of praise when he quits chewing the furniture, so he starts to see chewing the proper object as a positive experience. Never punish your dog for chewing since worry and fear will almost always worsen rather than improve chewing tendencies.
#66 Get your dog to stop barking
A dog’s inherent instinct is to bark, and certain breeds are more “talkative” than others. However, it is critical to stop your dog from barking excessively in order to safeguard your sanity and the sanity of those around you.
When your dog begins to bark, praise him for warning you. If a problem isn’t obvious right away, instruct your dog to be quiet while holding a reward in front of his nose.Wait a few seconds after the barking ceases before giving your dog the treat.
Make the wait period greater the next time you do this. If your dog starts barking again, repeat the be quiet command and begin again.After a few repetitions, you will notice that your dog will only bark when absolutely necessary.
#67 Teach your dog not to beg while others are eating
One of the most inconvenient aspects of visiting individuals who have dogs is having the small critter beg for food the entire while you’re eating.As a dog owner, you should be particularly aware of this behavior.
There are a variety of techniques for preventing a dog from begging at the table, but the most successful is to simply ignore the dog while you eat.While you’re eating, give the dog a toy stuffed with treats that will come out during play.
This will keep your dog distracted during the training phase and prevent him from begging at the table.Take your dog away from the table once you’ve finished eating and give him a treat and praise for good behavior.
#68 If you have children, be aware that your dog does not bear sole responsibility
When a normally well-behaved dog bites a child, it is usually because the youngster has somehow damaged the dog, prompting a protective response such as biting.As a result, when you have a dog and children in the same house, the children require just as much training as the dog.
From an early age, teach your children what is and is not acceptable behaviour towards your dog.In the same way that you teach your dog not to growl or bite, do not allow little children to climb on, hit, pull, or otherwise threaten your dog.
#69 Teach your dog not to bark excessively
Is your dog always barking at everything that moves when he’s outside? Consider using a bark-control collar to halt this habit.This handy gizmo emits approval and disapproval tones via a specific collar that can be adjusted remotely.
The feedback mechanism will quickly assist your dog in becoming self-sufficient enough to be let outside without continual supervision.
#70 How to teach a dog not to bite
It is critical that you never purposely allow your dog to bite you. This will also prevent it from happening by accident.Grab your dog’s snout and yell no bite whenever he opens his mouth to gnaw on you (particularly if he’s a puppy).
If it doesn’t work, try touching his nose simultaneously. The idea is to get the point over, not to scare the dog.
#71 Teach your dog to stay inside when the door is opened
This is a common issue that may be solved by simply teaching your dog to wait until you say outside before going through the door.
This will take some time, but when you pass through the door with your dog, tell him outside. Then compliment him on his good behaviour. Use the leave it command to divert his attention away from the door if he tried to run through it before you provided the command.
#72 Start from the beginning if your dog has an aggression problem
If you’re having trouble with an aggressive dog, it’s usually time to express your dominance once more. Starting with the fundamentals of obedience is an excellent place to start.When the dog recognises that you are in authority, aggression that is not the consequence of a medical or mental illness can nearly always be turned around.
#73 Teach your dog to avoid chewing on your personal items
The initial burden is entirely on your shoulders. The rule is straightforward. Put it out of your dog’s reach if you don’t want it chewed.Also, don’t make your dog confused by giving him an old shoe to chew on. Dogs are oblivious to the difference between your old and new shoes.
They just identify your scent and believe it is acceptable to chew on anything that have your aroma.Socks, teddy animals, eyeglasses, and even remote controls fall into this category.
#74 Your dog should not be allowed to dig in the yard
For a variety of reasons, dogs enjoy digging holes. Spending time outside watching your dog will immediately reveal whether or not he is a digger and why he is digging.One of the reasons dogs dig holes is to find a cool place to nap.
You might need to make a shaded location for your dog to lie down, or you might need to show him where the cooler spots are.he goal is to catch your dog digging and give the STOP command to him. Then praise your dog by gently guiding him to a cooler area for his slumber.
#75 Teach your dog to avoid digging beneath fences
Some dogs will dig their way out of their kennels. If your lawn is surrounded by a fence, keep an eye on your dog to ensure he does not try to escape. If you find him starting to dig under a fence, stop him and distract him with a toy or other activity. Then, rather than punishing him for his bad behaviour, give him prizes for his good behaviour.
#76 Train your dog to avoid burying anything in the yard
Most dogs will instinctively hide their belongings. Burying items in the lawn is one method of concealment. If you don’t want your dog digging in the backyard, the simplest approach to avoid it is to keep treats and other chewable items out of the home.
Toys will rarely be buried by dogs, so leave them outside instead.
#77 Teach your dog to refrain from stealing food
It’s not enough to teach your dog not to beg at the dinner table. It’s critical that you can leave food on a coffee table or counter without it being “taken” by your dog.As a result, get started early by setting a plate of food in front of you.
Your dog will rush over to explore the food as soon as he notices it. In order to interrupt him, use the STOP or DOWN commands.When he has finished eating, treat him with a toy or praise. Repeat this process until you’re sure your dog won’t eat the food while you’re watching. Then leave the room and watch from a doorway.
If your dog approaches the unsecured food, repeat the process. This method takes time, but unless you want your food thrown on the floor and devoured by your pet, it’s a good idea to get started as soon as possible. Never offer your dog human food or leave food alone needlessly during training.
Tricks to Teach Your Dog
#78 Instruct your dog in handshakes
Shaking hands is a simple trick that is both easy to teach and learn. To teach your dog this trick, place him in a sitting position and say “shake” while reaching down and gently shaking his paw.
Rep this process as needed, rewarding your dog with praise for his cooperation. Reward your dog with a goodie and even more praise when he lifts his paw on demand.
#79 Make your dog learn to wave
Waving is a simple trick that your dog may take some time to perfect. Put your dog in a sitting position and gesture to him with one hand raised.Then, while doing so, give the order “wave” and touch one of the dog’s paws with your non-waving hand.
When the trick is completed correctly, praise your dog for paying attention and reward him with a goodie.Place a little sticker on the bottom of one paw before providing the wave order to induce your dog to lift his paw.
#80 Instruct your dog on how to roll over
Every dog owner wants to teach their dog to roll over. Coax your dog to one side by getting down on the floor with him. Then, while placing one hand under the dog’s back and the other on his tummy, say “turn over.”
While providing the command, assist him in rolling over. Then reward your dog for his cooperation. If your dog is huge, you can get him on one side and entice him to turn over by putting food in front of his nose.
Once the rollover is complete, reward the dog with food and praise. After a few days, your dog will be rolling over on his own, with little or no help from you. Make sure to praise and encourage this behaviour!
#81 Teach your canine companion to catch
Catch is a delightful game that you and your dog can play for years. When you use food as the toy at first, teaching a dog to catch is actually fairly straightforward.
Toss a treat to your dog while standing in front of him and saying “catch.” Allow your dog to consume the treat if it is caught. If not, act quickly to get the treat before your dog does. Rep until the food is caught successfully, and always give your dog a big amount of praise in addition to the treat.
Once your dog is willingly catching the treats, move on to tossing a toy. Treat your dog for catching the toy, and reward him with goodies and praise on a regular basis.
#82 Teach fetch to your dog
The game of fetch is one that most dogs enjoy.Throw a ball for your dog to catch and return to you to teach him to retrieve. Toss the ball just beyond your dog and call out “fetch” while he chases it down.
He’ll want to play again after catching the ball and returning it to you. Move on to twigs and other objects once your dog has mastered fetching the ball.Always remember to give a treat and lots of praise when the thing is returned.
#83 Make your dog learn to crawl
You’ll need numerous rewards to teach your dog to crawl. Place your dog on his or her stomach on the floor. Then, with your hand firmly on his back, place the food on the floor, just out of reach of your dog.
Slowly move the food away from the dog while telling him to “crawl.” Your dog will attempt to stand spontaneously. Keep your hand on the meal and move it a little. Eventually, your dog will crawl approach the meal.
Give your dog a treat and lots of praise as a reward. This trick may take some time to master, so be patient and persevere until he crawls on command. Always give positive feedback!
#84 Teach your dog to distinguish between left and right
It is feasible to educate your dog the difference between right and left, believe it or not. This is a cool skill that can be learned quickly with practise.To teach this trick, stand behind your dog and toss a treat or ball to the left while saying “left.”
Rep with left until you merely need to issue the command and no longer need to toss a hint. Praise and goodies should be given to your dog.Proceed to “right” in the same manner. To avoid your dog becoming confused, teach one and then the other.
#85 Teach your dog to follow you around the house
“Follow me” is a powerful command that is incredibly gratifying for your dog. Whenever feasible, teach this command without using a leash.The idea is to train your dog to imitate your movements so that he will follow you whether you walk left or right.
To train your dog to do this, simply provide plenty of treats and plenty of praise when he or she obeys the command.
#86 Teach your dog to move from one side to the other of you
The first element of this trick is to keep your dog on a leash and take him or her for a walk.You should be able to teach your dog to switch sides in no time with a pocketful of treats. Place your dog on the left side of your body and a goodie in your right hand.
Place your right hand behind your back so your dog can see the reward and say “switch” as you draw the treat to your right side with the dog following. Rep with your dog moving to your left.
#87 Teach your dog to bark when you say so
Teaching your dog to bark on order, such as “bark” or “talk,” will also help him learn when not to bark.To begin, familiarise your dog with the command you’ll be using.Give your dog a reward when he barks.
You can issue a quiet command and praise him when he stops barking once he has learned barking on command.To avoid confusion and irritation, it is advisable to teach one command at a time.
#88 Teach your dog to signal when it’s time to go outside
Because dogs are unable to communicate with humans, we cannot assume that we will be able to understand their language without some training on both sides.Teach your dog to tell you when it’s time to go outdoors with this simple tip.
Hang a bell on the door you use the most to take your dog outside, and have him ring it every time you take him out.Then lavish him with praise. The sound of the bell and the opening of the door will fast become linked.
After about a week, you’ll be surprised to hear the doorbell ring and find an anxious puppy waiting to go outdoors.
#89 Make your dog learn to dance
Dancing is no longer just for individuals! You can teach your dog to dance alone or with you quite effortlessly. When your dog jumps up, give him the command dance and grab his paws.At that point, lavish praise and perhaps a treat on your dog for his exemplary behaviour.
There is no effort required because you are utilising this instruction to divert the dog’s focus away from jumping.Simply issue the DANCE order while grabbing your dog’s paws and diverting his behaviour to something pleasant.
This is an excellent method for preventing your dog from jumping on visitors at the front door.
#90 Teach your dog to look for anything you’ve misplaced
This is a more advanced technique that is frequently used with service animals. It can, however, be quite useful for anyone.The goal is for your dog to find anything with a human scent, rather than something specific.
Take your dog outside and hide something with your scent on it, such as a shirt.Tell your dog to look for the shirt and point him in the right way. You will no longer need to lead the dog after a while, and you will find this useful the next time you leave something outside.