Can Dogs Have Bread

We people use a lot of bread on a daily basis, but can dogs have bread as well? Let’s discuss what you need to know about whether or not bread is beneficial for dogs, as well as which types to avoid.

Bread is a staple of the human diet, with most of us consuming it on a regular basis in some form. We eat a lot of bread as a species, whether it’s toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, or a huge slice of crusty bread to accompany with a stew or soup for supper.

We love to share everything with our dogs as a country of dog lovers, and when they’re giving us their best puppy dog looks as we dive into our food, it raises the question: can dogs have bread? We’ve put together this guide to inform you all you need to know about dog bread, from whether it’s beneficial for them to which types to avoid.

dog with bread roll in paws

Is it possible for dogs to consume bread?

Yes, as well as no. Dogs can eat modest portions of simple white or brown bread, but only as a special treat. Some varieties may be hazardous to your dog and may include added ingredients such as nuts (macadamia nuts are toxic, and all nuts are heavy in fat, which is bad for dogs).

Additionally, breads containing chocolate chips, raisins, onions, garlic, and some dessert breads may include xylitol, so always double-check the ingredients first.

While dogs can eat bread, we do not recommend it because it is unhealthy for them. If you do want to give your dog a piece of bread, it must be plain, little, and a special treat. Treats should only make up 10% or less of your dog’s diet, and you should always offer treats in moderation.

dog eating iced cake

Is bread suitable for dogs?

No, bread is not suitable for dogs. It has no nutritional value for them and is high in carbohydrates, thus giving too much bread to dogs might lead to weight gain. Additionally, if your dog is offered a complete and balanced diet of high-quality dog food, they should receive all of the nourishment they require.

Some dogs are allergic to wheat, so if this is the case with your dog, make sure he doesn’t consume any bread.

can dogs have bread

Dogs are not allowed to eat uncooked bread dough

Uncooked bread dough can be harmful to dogs, according to the American Kennel Club. Their stomachs, interestingly, provide excellent circumstances for dough to rise, and when they consume it, it swells and distends their stomach while also releasing dangerous levels of ethanol into their circulation, potentially leading to alcohol toxicosis.

Do not feed your dog uncooked bread dough, and if your dog has eaten some and you detect any of the following symptoms, contact your veterinarian right away:

Increased heart rate,Weakness,Unstable gait – may appear ‘drunk’,Abdomen distended,Depression,Seizures,Failure of the respiratory system,Blood pressure that is too low,Vomiting or retching.

Your dog may go into a coma if the situation is serious.

can dogs have bread

I’m not sure how I’m going to feed my dog bread

Our recommendation is to avoid giving your dog bread. While it’s fine in little amounts as a snack, bread has no nutritional value for your dog and, in rare circumstances, includes potentially harmful substances. Instead, feed your dog healthful treats like fresh veggies and prepared lean meat.

Are Dogs Allowed To Eat Toast?

Because toast is simply cooked bread, it is acceptable for dogs to eat as long as they are not allergic to it and the bread used contains no dangerous substances. Many dogs adore toast, so giving them a small piece now and then won’t harm them but will certainly make their tails wag!

Toast, like bread, is quite safe as an occasional treat if consumed in moderation and in conjunction with a well-balanced diet and frequent exercise.

It’s also vital to keep in mind that our pets aren’t humans

It’s normal for humans to eat a dry slice of toast to calm an upset stomach, but dogs don’t have the same benefit. If your dog has stomach problems, a bland diet of boiled chicken breast and rice is recommended, but you should always see your veterinarian before trying any home cures.

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